So let’s say you want to get a fast read on a topic, for instance cryptocurrency. We all know there is a huge amount to learn and read on every topic (and subtopic and sub-subtopic) … and that no one will be an expert in a day. But what if you could quickly see the aggregated conversation from the top 25 or 30 experts in the field?
That’s exactly what we did. We used Brandwatch Audiences to identify the authors on Twitter who write about crypto and then set up a query to bring everything they say into a dashboard.
author:(jimmysong OR WorldCoinIndex OR SatoshiLite OR VinnyLingham OR krakenfx OR CryptosaurusRex OR SydesJokes OR joelcomm OR investFeed OR Georg_Grey OR BrianDColwell OR Remi_Vladuceanu OR SimplyAfterDark OR BColwell_ALT OR BeCrypto_ OR rUv OR NickSzabo4 OR GbrilliantQ OR Nevskiy_A OR SatoshiLite OR devnullius OR AriBernsteinMD OR SocialMAXorg OR 200SocialMedia OR realrudymartin OR markjeffrey OR AiChabotsARVR OR cryptocointalk OR JanManimoi OR cryptocurrency3 OR FernandaKellner OR MOMOSTOCKTRADES OR mikaelpittam OR EricQHargrove OR PsychologyDoc OR BlockchainNet OR webaddict OR BinaryGru OR CryptoTraders OR adrianhibbertuk OR 48Growth OR CedJackson OR magolnick OR BitcoinDood OR SamRusani OR liveedutv OR robinbloor OR ADSactlyCrypto OR ThisIsNuse OR gamecredits OR ohiobitcoin OR TBlockchainS OR WolfPoloniex OR jaketital OR LoriGama OR SpectreCash OR VisibilityShift OR TrevonJB OR syscoin OR cryptosilent OR VineetSonkar OR jebus911 OR gflaterr OR ICOcheck OR ClayCollins OR monerocurrency OR LKa44 OR Aboundlessworld OR petertrapasso OR harakim OR joseearenas OR TaylorGerring OR TechviberNG OR azehrams OR marcorobinson7 OR maguraaa OR GabrielVaraljay OR bitfalls OR bitcoin_dad OR yeswepump OR BTC_Upload OR kharchivka OR golemproject OR mikojava OR gitju OR bramcohen OR JeffinkoGuru OR NaelShahbaz OR Coinboard OR zzap OR torok_tomi OR uasociolog OR AntonyWelfare OR MichaelSuppo OR PiipleNet OR eM_ZimmGG OR KolesCoinNews OR newsbtc OR SimonNicol_ OR thecoinninja OR NatachaHoltz OR themspnetwork OR SamCzertok OR JohnEnnis81 OR neurocirurgiabr OR fragillimus OR VergeAddict OR peraisakop OR BitcoinByte OR PolyPanto OR FollowMMA OR oskaaay OR VegGujju OR SDLerner OR amelen OR AdamHole OR SebastianRooks_ OR joel_aldrich OR BitcoinOfficial OR Kallerz37 OR Cryptopathic OR pharaohofcrypto OR LuciusSeneka OR sajklan OR p2pmoneyshop OR BTC_SEO OR Datavetaren OR iamsethknapp OR CoinWarz OR CryptoCobain OR FintechSpark OR coin_artist OR JohnLSettles OR Build_Ur_Dreams OR pollinatecap)
And then, let’s say we really only wanted to know about these conversations when they include crypto terms, so you don’t get the political or casual conversations. (And also you want to cut out the retweets and the mentions of Google Docs, which were cluttering up the conversation.)
authauthor:(jimmysong OR WorldCoinIndex OR SatoshiLite OR VinnyLingham OR krakenfx OR CryptosaurusRex OR SydesJokes OR joelcomm OR investFeed OR Georg_Grey OR BrianDColwell OR Remi_Vladuceanu OR SimplyAfterDark OR BColwell_ALT OR BeCrypto_ OR rUv OR NickSzabo4 OR GbrilliantQ OR Nevskiy_A OR SatoshiLite OR devnullius OR AriBernsteinMD OR SocialMAXorg OR 200SocialMedia OR realrudymartin OR markjeffrey OR AiChabotsARVR OR cryptocointalk OR JanManimoi OR cryptocurrency3 OR FernandaKellner OR MOMOSTOCKTRADES OR mikaelpittam OR EricQHargrove OR PsychologyDoc OR BlockchainNet OR webaddict OR BinaryGru OR CryptoTraders OR adrianhibbertuk OR 48Growth OR CedJackson OR magolnick OR BitcoinDood OR SamRusani OR liveedutv OR robinbloor OR ADSactlyCrypto OR ThisIsNuse OR gamecredits OR ohiobitcoin OR TBlockchainS OR WolfPoloniex OR jaketital OR LoriGama OR SpectreCash OR VisibilityShift OR TrevonJB OR syscoin OR cryptosilent OR VineetSonkar OR jebus911 OR gflaterr OR ICOcheck OR ClayCollins OR monerocurrency OR LKa44 OR Aboundlessworld OR petertrapasso OR harakim OR joseearenas OR TaylorGerring OR TechviberNG OR azehrams OR marcorobinson7 OR maguraaa OR GabrielVaraljay OR bitfalls OR bitcoin_dad OR yeswepump OR BTC_Upload OR kharchivka OR golemproject OR mikojava OR gitju OR bramcohen OR JeffinkoGuru OR NaelShahbaz OR Coinboard OR zzap OR torok_tomi OR uasociolog OR AntonyWelfare OR MichaelSuppo OR PiipleNet OR eM_ZimmGG OR KolesCoinNews OR newsbtc OR SimonNicol_ OR thecoinninja OR NatachaHoltz OR themspnetwork OR SamCzertok OR JohnEnnis81 OR neurocirurgiabr OR fragillimus OR VergeAddict OR peraisakop OR BitcoinByte OR PolyPanto OR FollowMMA OR oskaaay OR VegGujju OR SDLerner OR amelen OR AdamHole OR SebastianRooks_ OR joel_aldrich OR BitcoinOfficial OR Kallerz37 OR Cryptopathic OR pharaohofcrypto OR LuciusSeneka OR sajklan OR p2pmoneyshop OR BTC_SEO OR Datavetaren OR iamsethknapp OR CoinWarz OR CryptoCobain OR FintechSpark OR coin_artist OR JohnLSettles OR Build_Ur_Dreams OR pollinatecap)
AND (bitcoin OR “bit coin” OR hashtags:bitcoin* OR bitcoins OR “bit coins” OR crypto* OR hashtags:crypto*)
NOT (RT OR “google docs”)
There are lots of ways to get fast reads on the Brandwatch dashboard – articles shared, hashtags, sentiment… you name it. By categorizing the mentions, you can slice and dice however you can imagine – and cross-tab the data so you can quickly see what matters most to you. You can be informed in no time.
Email alerts can be helpful to quickly scan the conversation daily (or more often) and they frequently lead us to ask more and better questions.
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